
The Best Entrepreneurs Try to Do Good Things

Not just in business…

…but in the arts and entertainment…

…in politics and civic life… 

…and in ministry and charitable work…

Pursuing their projects and guided by their principles, the best entrepreneurs in every field of human endeavor TRY TO DO GOOD. 

Is that you?

Then you and I have something in common. 

My name is Derek Richards.  

I am the husband of Cory, the father of three boys, and the owner of Alliance Realty in Manhattan, Kansas, the greatest college town in the known universe.  

I am passionate about special projects that are people-centered, profitable, and/or just plain fun – from renovating an old Agricultural Press building to recording and producing a zany Beastie Boys video featuring me and my brothers.

Part of what led me to become a theater major at Kansas State University was a desire to step into someone else’s shoes and try to see from someone else’s perspective.

That’s why I love interviewing people!

Part of what motivated to start and develop a successful Real Estate Brokerage was a desire, not just to “sell someone a house,” but help provide an individual or family a home, a “setting” (if you will) where the story of their life could unfold in a true, good, and beautiful way.

That’s why I want to connect and promote as many good-hearted entrepreneurs as I can!

And here’s the thing…

ALL of what motivates me to be a faithful husband, loving father, and authentic follower of Jesus is the desire to show others that God is good, life is good, every human being has potential, and the creative possibilities for doing good in the world are limitless.

That’s why I started my podcast. (You should listen! Or apply to be a guest!)

That’s why I created this website. (Thanks for visiting!)

 That’s what I’m trying to promote with my personal brand, podcast, and content. (Sign up to get notified when a new episode or project is published!)

Do You Resonate With All This?

Well, then, thanks for stopping by!

Feel free to contact me with the form on this website, connect with me on Instagram, start listening to my show, or apply to be a guest 😁

God Bless and Godspeed,


P.S. This isn’t really the place to learn more about my business, Alliance Realty. But if you live in the Greater Metropolitan Manhattan, Kansas area and you are looking to buy/sell a home, I invite you to go here.